Friday, October 12, 2012

Obama's Islamic Ring of Truth - From Israel Insider - UPDATE

Update: Revealed; Hi-Res Image Of Obama's Ring Appears To Show No Islamic Phrase

Revealed: Hi-Resolution Image of Obama's Ring
Appears To Show No Islamic Phrase
(update below)

As reported here it was alleged that Obama's ring bears the Islamic phrase, "There is no God but Allah," however if you look at the hi-res image of the ring it tells a very different story.

I had an exchange with a prominent computer software and graphics expert, whom will remain unnamed, and this is what Mara Zebest stated:

"The images to show Arabic letters are all Photoshopped enhanced... in an effort to affect the lighting to present something that makes the argument plausible. Look at the deep shadows in the images so you can't see detail and the lighted areas look more like an Arabic letter rather than a squiggly design.

I notice the photoshopped images of the ring to deepen the shadows so they can lead you to believe the case they are making (altering images to fit their agenda and argument). I'm offended by that sort of manipulation no matter which side does it.

This is a major hoax in my opinion."

View the Photoshopped enhanced images here:

View the hi-res image of Obama's ring published in 2009 by Getty Images via Urban Legends here:

UPDATE: WND published an article addressing the questions raised above.

First the pertinent quote from the WND article followed by Mara Zebest's response in italics:

"Joel Gilbert, who was first to conclude that the ring bears the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada, explained that the only adjustment he made to images from a 2010 Huffington Post feature was to reduce the contrast about 50 percent. His aim was to enable the detail in the ring to be seen without being overwhelmed by the background light."

"Reducing the contrast about 50 percent is Photoshopping. It's enhancing -- or in this case -- de-enhancing the details. The last sentence makes it sound like Gilbert is doing us a favor by reducing the background light in the image. Who wants light to see the details -- right? For example, whenever I want to read a book... I always turn off the light so I'm not bothered by that pesky background light that fills the room... don't you? In other words, to prevent overwhelming us with the background light -- Gilbert is reducing the detail in the image.

I duplicated the so called reduction of contrast and it was way more than 50% to give the results seen in Gilbert's images. See the provided before and after. The first image shows Gilbert's images at the bottom. The normal (Before) original LOW RESOLUTION image (more on that later) at the top right and the enhancement Levels dialog box at the top left. The Levels dialog box shows before enhancements in the first image. You can see the black point is set at zero. Midtone is in the middle at 1.00 and the white point at the other end of the scale at 255.

In the second (After) enhanced image. I moved the black point all the way to the other end (which also shifts the midtone)... to achieve a similar result seen in Gilbert's images. Notice that when this is performed... details are LOST. This is photoshopping whether people admit it or not. Period. The fact that low resolution images are used reduces the image detail and quality in itself. Add to this -- the fact that more detail is lost through the enhancement and the results are an image to fit an agenda. As I said before, this sort of manipulation is not acceptable regardless of what side does it. Whether it's from a liberal or a conservative site. Stick to the truth folks cause the truth will always out."

I also had Mara Zebest address the concern that the Getty Image may have been altered and her response was:

"The image info 01 has the Raw Data tab information that verifies the information shown in the Description tab for image info 03. The image info 02 is the Raw Data tab when I scroll down showing the camera setting information. If this photo had been Photoshopped, the information at the end would have contained the last items done to the image such as whether a Levels enhancement had been applied or whether the image had been cropped, etc. But there's nothing in the image or the Image Info dialog box to indicate that this image was Photoshopped. The image was created/modified on 6/5/2009."

It should also be noted it appears Joel Gilbert has removed his original analysis from his server:

Mara Zebest is a graphic artist and co-author for a number of Adobe product books including the Inside Photoshop series which typically exceeded 1000 pages, and published in at least ten different languages around the world. Ms. Zebest is also tech editor for numerous books for both Adobe and Microsoft products and has worked closely with the Cold Case Posse (CCP) for Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) in providing evidence on Obama’s forged birth certificate.

The Bling that Sings: Obama's Islamic Ring of Truth

The incessant digging of bestselling author and researcher Jerome Corsi (WorldNetDaily) and documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert ("Dreams from My Real Father") into the secrets of Barack Obama's mysterious past struck gold, literally, this week.

First came Corsi's revelationof Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "Down Low Club." The good ("God Damn America!") Reverend provided matchmaking services to supply "cover wives" to provide a "beard" for black closet homosexuals who needed to appear respectable and politically correct while they continue to play around with the boys in the bath houses.  Obama's homosexuality, it was reported, is well-known to his fellow parishioners in Chicago and beyond.  Most shocking to those who knew him "Down Low" are amazed that he's largely gotten away with keeping it in the closet it for so long, although there is testimony suggesting that those who knew had very good reasons not to spill the beans.

The latest revelation is even more stunning. From the early Israel Insider reports in Spring 2008  that Obama was a "Muslim Wolf in Christian Wool," there has been a steady streaming of mounting evidence of his Islamic affinities, only to be ignored or downplayed by a slavish mainstream media.
This is not the place to rehearse the long litany of reasons to believe Obama not only has a Muslim upbringing but also holds a continuing allegiance and sympathy to the radical Muslim Brotherhood strain of Islam, whether in his famous Freudian slip in the 2008 Stephanopolis interview about "my Muslim faith" and reports on Egyptian TV that he confessed in a meeting with Egypt's foreign minister his Muslim identity and continuing service to Islam, especially with respect to his intentions to cool relations with Israel in a second term.

The reports of Obama's golden ring provides concrete confirmation of his allegiance to Islam. The ring is inscribed, in tradition calligraphic Arab text, according to a variety of experts, with the first phrase of the Muslim's primary confession of faith: "There is no God but Allah." (Before reading any further here, jump over to Corsi's original carefully researched and photographically detailed essay in WND(and a follow-up here) as well as Joel Gilbert's full color photographic analysis.)  

Sure, the ring is a cool-looking piece of bling and it may well have sentimental value to Obama if indeed it's from his childhood in Indonesia as he claims, or an heirloom from one of his Muslim kin.

But ask yourself this: Have you ever heard of a man wearing a golden band on his ring finger BEFORE he was married, and then had his wife re-place that same ring on his finger on their wedding day?
One need be a conservative to believe that a wedding ring is supposed to signify something profound and eternal -- the gift of one partner to another, signifying lifelong fidelity and devotion -- exchanged in the course of solemn vows before God and Man.  What does it signify that Michelle agreed to give Barack a ring that he ALREADY HAD, and had worn continuously at least from his college days onward? Indeed, she has given him no ring at all, nothing he didn't already have.

And if Obama is, as he claims to be, a born-again Christian, who has accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior, how can he wear a ring that professes devotion to an alien deity?  Yes, Islam is a monotheistic faith and the affirmation is to One God, but which Christian calls that Him "Allah"?

The golden ring is a wedding band, all right, but not to Michelle. It strongly suggests that Obama's devotion to his "beard" pales in comparison to his devotion to One who came before her and One who will outlast her. And that One, expressed in a secret caligraphic bling is this, written in cryptic calligraphically styled Arabic, from the start of the Muslim call to prayer, said by each faithful Muslim, beginning each session of prayer, five times a day: "La ilaha illa Allah" or, in plain English: "There is No God But Allah."
A more exact translation, in Obama's case, might go something like this: "No matter how I make myself appear, even as I take on the trappings of being a Christian, even as I pay lip service to "someone named Jesus Christ" (as he slurringly drawls in the recently discovered "Katrina tape"): in my heart and soul I am first and foremost devoted and faithful to a different faith and a different deity. Indeed, the unchanging ring of truth -- never to be removed from his finger -- symbolically suggests: I am wed, first and foremost, to Allah."

"I may be secretly a homosexual, a communist, a clumsy (See Jack Cashill's impressive deconstructions of Dreams from My Father) writer, an inarticulate (without my teleprompter) speaker, an illegitimate child who glorifies a fake father and an illegal alien leader who fakes his credentials while spending millions to conceal the truth about his real one. I may not be at all what I appear, or even most of what I appear, but hey -- I have gotten away with it all (and managed to get in more than 100 rounds of golf doing it)!"

For this Nowhere Man, whose entire life (to the extent that his elaborately concealed and expensively protected secrets can be revealed) built from layer of fraud upon fraud, this confession has a compelling ring of truth: "I am a Muslim Brother who has dedicated my life to serve, above all else, the cause of Allah. Yes, I may employ deception, but sharia justifies such deceptive takiya against the infidel, in service to Allah. "For Allah alone I have taken control, by deception and no small amount of Saudi gold, of the greatest nation on earth and twisted it to the designs of radical Islam, in obedience to, and under the control of, Allah.  I am slowly but surely undermining the Great Satan, and the Little Satan, in my service to Him!"

No wonder the sound of the Muslim call to prayer was, as Obama famously told Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times in 2007, "one of the prettiest sounds on earth." No wonder Kristof said Obama was able to recite the shehada with a "first-rate accent." No wonder he bowed low when he met King Abdullah, Royal Keeper of the Muslim holy sites of Mecca and Medina.  Obama is, by this ring, announcing himself to fellow Muslims as a faithful servant of Allah, as his golden ring proclaims every time he waves his hand dismissively, sneers at his detractors, or scratches his cheek in condescension at the infidels. Following the shehada, to a believer, means that you are a vessel of his will. Wearing the ring is a physical affirmation of that eternal vow.

Now, after apparently betraying his wife with a long line of homosexual lovers, after betraying America's closest allies, after betraying the American electorate with a litany of lies about his past and his identity, Allah may be the only thing to which Obama has been truly faithful. How frustrating it must be to have his effigy burned by the Muslim mobs, after all he's done for them!

But O, my, how this bling can sing! It sings of his subversion of non-Islamic regimes in North Africa and the Middle East. It sings of how the murder of an American ambassador by radically Islamist can be for him a "bump in the road" while a B-movie trailer insulting the Prophet can be whipped into the cause of all evil in the world.  It sings out what before he could only slip on, in the closet: his "Muslim faith." This is the one article of faith he never slips off, probably not even in the bathhouse.

In opera, they say, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. In Wagner's famous operatic cycle, the golden ring of the Nibelung gives its wearer the power to rule the entire world. It is the ring that brings the heavens down, that topples the gods and demigods and wannabe gods from power.
Now, if you listen carefully to the sweet sounds of the shehada, you can hear it, singing softly to Obama: "it's over. Baby. It's over." Over and over again. Just like the shehada.

This golden band of unlimited devotion to Allah, hiding all these years in plain sight, glittering at the twittering masses and the chattering classes, betrays at last in concrete undeniable words, the hard shocking truth about Obama's Muslim identity, and his primary allegiance to Islam. 
Better late than never to hear the pretty sound of the shehada: for Obama, it sings to us, There is No God but Allah, and you are His Servant. This golden oldie really has a ring of truth, One that really is worth its wait.

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