Saturday, February 18, 2012

White Flag Over The White House

The malignant intent of the man who occupies the White House has never been clearer.
Even as his toadies in the Pentagon defend his scheme to eviscerate the Army and Marine Corps and return our fleets back topre-Pearl Harbor levels comes word that Barack Obama plans to simultaneously gut our nuclear arsenal by nearly 80%.  The President of the United States, whose primary responsibility is the protection of the nation, is engaged in unilateral disarmament.
[...] A level of 300 deployed strategic nuclear weapons would take the U.S. back to levels not seen since 1950(Obama Mulls 80% Disarmament Of Nuclear Arsenal|Newsmax)
The Administration’s record to date is undeniable. Defense was targeted from day one in office, and Mr. Obama disguised his latest, steepest retrenchment as part of a new “strategic review” earlier this month. The Pentagon on Thursday previewed the cuts, announcing that the 2013 defense budget due next month will decline for the first time since 1998. As spending on entitlements rises, budget cuts disproportionately hit the Pentagon, which accounts for a fifth of federal spending but over half the deficit reduction. (Admiral Obama|WSJ)
Obama and Carter represent the dangerous “left of the left wing” Democrat foreign policy establishment, the folks who thought we should surrender to the Soviets, who created the retreat from Saigon, and who rationalized the Iran-Iraq War, which killed a million people after Carter allowed Khomeini radicalism to rise in Iran.  The destruction caused by left-leftist foreign policy “thought” from the Democrats is immense.  Over the years, they have colluded in hundreds of thousands of deaths abroad — covered up by the mainstream media.  They are Lenin’s useful idiots, who colluded in 100 million Communist terror victims in the 20th century alone, and they have not changed one little bit. Such people are dangerous(How Dangerous Is Obama?|The American Thinker)
And as he mothballs our military, Barack Obama will shovel billions of tax dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood via aid to the so-called “Arab Spring” nations:
[...] The White House announced plans on Monday to help “Arab Spring” countries swept by revolutions with more than $800 million in economic aid, while maintaining U.S. military aid to Egypt. (Islamists Rejoice|Stakelbeck On Terror)
Re-elect this man? He should be frog-marched from office in leg irons.

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