Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Book Review: Where's The Birth Certificate? by Greg Smith

Well, I've done it. I've read Dr. Jerome Corsi's most recent book, "Where's the Birth Certificate? The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible To Be President".


As pointed out by Dr. Corsi, repeated national polls suggest tens of millions of Americans don’t think he is eligible to be President, despite his release of an online image of his purported birth document.
In fact, since the book's release, several experts have come forward to say that the document released by the White House and Obama is a forgery and not a very good one.

There are many points of interest in Corsi's book including the fact that Obama's Social Security number would only have been issued to a resident of Connecticut and yet there's no evidence to suggest that he ever resided there.

Or that the birth certificate number of his most recent long-form document has a later (higher) number than twins born after him, which should be virtually impossible.

Or that the man Obama claims was his father failed to mention that he had a child with Obama's mother on NSI documents that would have presumably assisted him with his application to stay in the United States.
But the 'money shot', as it were, for me, comes from Obama's own words. In Obama's best-selling autobiography, Dreams from My Father, published in 1995, Corsi points out that Obama wrote that he had a birth certificate "folded" away but that "unlike mum, Ruth has all the documents needed to prove who Mark's father was." This sentence (page 27 of Corsi's book) refers to his alleged half-brother by Ruth who had a child with the man Obama Jr. purports is his father after he, Obama Sr.,  had left Jr's mother.

Most birth certificates have the father's name on it. If Sr.'s name is not printed on the one Jr. has "folded" away, then, how could Sr.'s name be on the one Jr. showed the world in April?

Why would Obama Jr. draw the distinction of Ruth having proof for her son, with Obama Sr., when his birth certificate (shown to the world and published on the White House website) has his "father's" name printed on it?

What other proof is needed?

I recommend that everyone, American or not, read Corsi's book. It's very enlightening and should open your eyes to the fact that Barack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) is attempting to pull off one of the biggest frauds, ever.

By the way, a complaint has been filed with the FBI in Hawaii regarding the forged birth document. If the FBI doesn't arrest Barack Obama then they are complicit in the cover-up.

Where's the Birth Certificate?: The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President

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