Friday, May 20, 2011

Video: Fox Business Network Goes Alinsky On Jerome Corsi; Continue To Protect Obama And Hide The "Natural Born Citizen" Issue...

Video: Fox Business Network Goes Alinsky On Jerome Corsi; Continue To Protect Obama And Hide The "Natural Born Citizen" Issue...

Thursday, May 19, 2011 2:30

Video: Fox Business Network goes Alinsky on Jerome Corsi. Fox News, et al., continue to protect Obama's eligibility and hide the "natural born Citizen" issue. Funny how Greg skips Chapter 3, 10, & 11. The interview aired on 5/19/2011.

1 comment:

Yankee Sojourner said...

I have noticed animosity from jump toward the Birth Certificate issue on a number of Fox shows, but this is the absolute worst. How can ANYONE believe what the White House released is legitimate? And what about the 'natural born citizen' issue? But as for Fox, what I want to know is: Who got to them?