Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Mainstream media backpedaling like crazy

Mainstream media backpedaling like crazy

By Don Cobb

Apparently, after realizing that 40 years of televised liberal propaganda hadn't 'taken' as completely as they thought it had, the Propaganda Network (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC) is backpedaling like crazy away from their beloved 'savior,' whom they refer to openly as "The One." Only weeks ago planted firmly on their knees in front of Barack Hussein Obama as they worshipped everything he said and did for the past 18 months, Obama's handlers have obviously given the mainstream news media the nod to start pretending to be journalists again.

As the NY Times and CNN both begin publishing opinions which are mildly critical of The Obama Show, the rest of Obama's propaganda machine falls in line as well. The entire Propaganda Network (PN) is in reverse in America today. The White House now feigning anger with some of their most faithful and beloved partners (NYT and CNN), it appears that the $660 million dollar marketing campaign which convinced an America disillusioned by faux-Republican George Bush to vote for a secret candidate (no school records, no birth certificate, no passport records) was only effective while the propaganda was actually on the air promoting our Mystery President. Since the year-long onslaught of media-driven promotion of The Obama Show, ratings have dropped considerably as guest star after guest star (Obama administration appointed 'Czars') have turned out to be virtually all Communists, criminals and more Communists.

While the national unemployment rate has continued to rise above 10%, The Obama Show claims to have created more than 600,000 jobs! Apparently realizing that this is only a show like any other show, America seems to have become collectively aware that we've been duped, that the Mystery President which followers still call "The One" hasn't got any "change" to offer except for Communism (technically one could make the case that this is 'old change') and in less than a year has virtually destroyed all "hope" that this "change" is right for America. As the media pretends to be journalists once more, an educated and experienced America looks on in amazement, that The Obama Show would even have the audacity to take us for such suckers...again.
Somehow, you know its coming. That OMG moment is just around the corner. You can feel the inescapable reality creeping up on you. Something will leak. Someone will spill the beans.

“For nothing is hid that shall not be made manifest, nor anything secret that shall not be known and come to light.” Luke 8:17

Obama “I have nothing to hide but I’m hiding it.”

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